By Kaleigh Silverstein

June 16, 2020

The Panther Voice

When COVID-19 struck locally, MTM faced a challenge: they wouldn’t be able to hold the public fundraising concerts that they had planned. But, the pandemic also provided new areas to which MTM’s service could be directed. After several virtual board meetings, most of which ran up to two hours long, the board members came up with an idea. They would use social media as a platform to share virtual music performances, while running a GoFundMe.

Preparing group performances from home proved a challenge at first, but MTM rose to the occasion. Each musician was assigned their part, which they rehearsed from the safety of their own homes. Once the entire group had recorded their performances, Vice President of Music Repertoire Lily Ritterman-Peña, used iMovie to combine the individual performances and create a joint final performance.

MTM members agree that while unprecedented circumstances have certainly forced MTM to adapt, MTM’s mission has not changed. Whether it be through an in-person concert or through a virtual platform, MTM has continued to use music to help others.

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